Italian cooking classes

Sydney Based Italian Cooking Classes

Things to Learn with an Italian Cookery School

Finding a good rustic Italian cooking school using citrus fruits from Simfresh to teach you how to prepare meals in the traditional Mediterranean style can be great fun – especially with so many different schools to choose from and each offering their own unique take on the niche. But once you have found a reliable school, you’ll undoubtedly want to get to grips with all that your tutor (usually a qualified chef) will have to offer.

But what can you expect to learn when undertaking lessons with a Mediterranean chef and how will their techniques differ to other cultures? Here’s a closer look at the unique things that you can expect to learn during your classes.


There’s no more important factor than flavouring when it comes to an Italian dish. Pasta can be filling on its own, as can pizza dough – but if the right combinations of herbs and spices aren’t present, then the meal could soon fall a little short of the mark. Italy is well known for its fine herbs and tangy sauces, and this is often one of the first things that a student can expect to get to grips with. The great thing about Italian dressings is that they can be applied to a variety of dishes, so there’s minimal restriction when it comes to making a spaghetti sauce – or one for a pizza.

Ingredient preparation

There aren’t many cultures that will create all components of a meal from scratch. From the dough mixture all the way to the seasoning – a hearty Italian recipe will require a variety of preparative techniques to maximise its taste. During these classes, a student can expect to learn how different herbs, spices and ingredients act to complement or combat one another. As with the flavouring techniques mentioned above, the great thing about this type of skill is that it can be applied to a range of meals.